Nineteen Eleven is non-profit, and funded entirely by donations from the community. A portion of all funds donated to Nineteen Eleven are used to fund projects via Kiva, a global micro-lending non-profit organization that helps users fund projects for low-income or disadvantaged entrepreneurs throughout the developing world.

Our Kiva loans are made in the loving memory of members of our community that have passed away.

In Memoriam

    Jason “spG” Bednarz
    Andrew “Beach” Brennan.
    Nick “Oxossi” Coppola
    Jeff Kimbro
    Jeremy ‘Parasite’ Stella
    Tom “xero” Volpe

About Kiva

Kiva Microfunds (commonly known by its domain name, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income / underserved entrepreneurs and students in over 70 countries. Kiva operates two models — and The former model relies on a network of field partners to administer the loans on the ground.[3] These field partners can be micro-finance institutions, social businesses, schools or non-profit organizations. facilitates loans at 0% directly to entrepreneurs via mobile payments and PayPal. In both and, Kiva includes personal stories of each person who needs a loan because they want their lenders to connect with their entrepreneurs on a human level.[5] Kiva itself does not collect any interest on the loans it facilitates. It is purely supported by grants, loans, and donations from its users, corporations, and national institutions.[6] Kiva is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

You can learn more about Kiva via their website.